Thursday, May 10, 2012

Pictures I took!

Here is one of the pictures I took off our back deck!

                                 I was very happy to be able to be outside with my camera at
                                  that very moment!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Welcome May!

I am very happy to now Welcome May into this year! Today we (my family and I) were making our rows and laying down plastic. We have most of our plants in the greenhouse, which we will put in the garden once we are ready.
      It is getting so warm now that we started to work after dinner today. We started working in the afternoon/evening and stopped right before dinner, them we started back up after dinner. So we got 19 rows put in and covered with plastic. Thats about all we did today. I better let ya'll go now. Thanks for looking.
Many Blessings,