Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Welcome May!

I am very happy to now Welcome May into this year! Today we (my family and I) were making our rows and laying down plastic. We have most of our plants in the greenhouse, which we will put in the garden once we are ready.
      It is getting so warm now that we started to work after dinner today. We started working in the afternoon/evening and stopped right before dinner, them we started back up after dinner. So we got 19 rows put in and covered with plastic. Thats about all we did today. I better let ya'll go now. Thanks for looking.
Many Blessings,


  1. Thanks for the update, Caitlyn! Yes, welcome May, although I'm not too excited about the more weather that's coming. :\ ;)

    We've been working in the garden a lot lately, also. Wow, 19 beds? How long are they? Besides cold crops, strawberries, raspberries, garlic, onions, etc. we have 3 beds (each about 150 feet long) completely worked up, so far and about the equivalent of all 3 planted with okra, canteloupe and other melons, squash, strawberry popcorn, winter squash, pumpkins, and cucumbers. We also have a couple more beds started, and our tomato, pepper, flower and herb starts are in the house/outside about ready to plant. We like to work in the evening too, although you can get more work in if you start right after you're done with school. ;)

    How have you been doing lately? By the way, I like your new theme on your blog! And thanks for posting again! Write soon.
    May you be blessed this evening!
    Much love,
    Martha Joy

    P.S. Are you planning to be at the coop?

    1. Hi Martha,

      Thanks for writing! It was nice to hear from you!
      About our garden, you asked how long the rows are. They are 70 feet long. Is ya'ole garden big? Do you have a green house?
      We are planning at being at coop as far as I know!
      I look forward to the next post on your blog!
      Many Blessings,

    2. Wow, y'all got quite a bit of gardening in so far! I planted part of my herb garden today, which was pretty exciting! I plan to have a really big one this year. Yes, our garden is fairly big, probably around an acre. No, we don't have a greenhouse. We don't really need one: we grow our starts inside. ;) Did y'all have a garden last year?

      I love you bunches, and hope to see you soon. I look forward to your next post, also! ;)

      Many Blessings,
      M. Joy

  2. Thanks for sharing your blog! I didnt see you mention much about fluting:-) also, you should share some pictures you took! I'd really like to see them!
